Looks like it is going to be a good season in Douglas
This series of satellite-based growth vigour maps of the Douglas region (South Africa) compares the agricultural production of the current (summer 2018) season to those of 2016 and 2015. On a month-by-month basis it would seem that the actively growing crops of this season-- mostly maize (8200 ha), luserne/alfalfa (8850 ha) and cotton (1600 ha) -- exceeds those of 2017 and 2016. One can also clearly see that the rainfall in 2017 was substantially higher compared to this year (depicted by yellow tint of natural vegetation in 2017). This type of longitudinal comparison helps to estimate crop yields at regional scales. CropsMonitor has been helping GWK since 2016 on the use of satellite images to support management decisions and for maximizing crop yields in this area.